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The Pro Tip Guide to Prepping Your House for A/C Installation

Prepping your Home for your new Air Conditioner

While HVAC installation is far from simple, if you’re not familiar with the process A/C installation may seem much more complex than it really is. This set of tips from the pros will help you get your house ready for installing a new A/C with as little stress as possible.

Determine the Right Type of Air Conditioning System

Not every type of A/C is right for every home. Depending on the size of your home, where it’s located, and the needs of your household, one type of system may be more beneficial over another. The three main options include a traditional split system with an indoor and outdoor unit, ductless mini-split system with an outdoor unit and individual air handlers for each room, and geothermal system that provides temperature control via an in-ground loop (provides heat in winter and cool air in summer).

Choose a Contractor Carefully

A licensed contractor can help determine the best air conditioner for your home. When choosing a professional for ac installation, the lowest price may also mean low quality. A high-quality contractor with the proper licensing, certifications, and insurance can ensure your home is comfortable and efficient. While doing your research, determine how far away they are, how many years they’ve been operating, and their reputation. Obtain reviews and references as well.

What Kind of Features Do You Need?

Consider what it will take to achieve the desired comfort level. A contractor should discuss with you features like two-stage cooling, zoning, programmable thermostats, variable speed air handlers, thermal expansion valves, automatic delay fan switches, and other extras. Simply inquiring about these can help determine how knowledgeable the contractor is.

Understand Air Conditioner Efficiency

Research seasonal energy efficiency ratings and the best SEER number for your home. High efficiency A/C’s range from SEER 14.5 to well into the 20’s. The higher the SEER rating, the more the up-front cost. But over the long term, you may see lower monthly utility bills, so you could save over time or even recoup the cost of installation.

Get Your Home Set Up for AC Installation Day

The condition of your home can impact the success of A/C installation. Here are some steps to take before having a new system installed:

  • Clean/Seal Ductwork: If you’re not installing new ductwork, it’s a good idea to have your existing ducts cleaned and aired out to remove dirt and dust. Contamination can damage a new system and cause efficiency/air quality issues. Sealing holes and cracks avoids contamination and performance issues as well.
  • Measure/Clear Space: Take accurate measurements to ensure there’s enough room for a new unit, and/or match the dimensions of the old unit with the new system. Make any necessary adjustments, such as clearing clutter, before the new A/C arrives.
  • Make Room for the Contractor: Ensure there is the clearest, shortest path from the entrance to the area where the equipment will be installed. Move tables, chairs, rugs, couches, toys, and other items before the contractor arrives, which will save time. Installation day will approach faster than you think!

Contact Quality Heating Cooling Plumbing

Based in Glenpool, OK, we provide fast, dependable A/C installation services and help plan, select, and size new systems for residential and commercial customers. Our contractors are knowledgeable in all available options and how each suits a specific need. They are also factory-trained to install, repair, and maintain all makes and models. To learn more or schedule a consultation, call us at 918-268-7343 today.

Are You Guilty of These 5 Common Summertime A/C Mistakes?

With the summer energy bills getting notoriously high in your Glenpool, OK home,  it’s important than ever to follow the right energy-saving practices. Unfortunately, even the most educated homeowners often unknowingly make common flubs.

Find out if you are guilty of these top 5 common summertime A/C mistakes.

Hiding the Ugly A/C

Some homeowners hate to spoil the look of their perfectly-styled backyard with an ugly air conditioner. But do you know what’s even uglier? It’s when your summer electric bills hit new all-time highs! Camouflaging your unit with shrubs or other plants may hide that eyesore, yes. But leaves that get caught in your system can clog up your HVAC system, impeding its performance and causing your bills to spike.

Denying your A/C Some TLC

There’s a high price to pay when you ignore an HVAC maintenance. And how many is that? Four! Short cycling, poor indoor air quality, costly repairs, and reduced system efficiency. If you can’t remember the last time that you have had your A/C maintenance, it’s probably time to call our team at Quality Heating, Cooling & Plumbing.

Leaving the Unit Running All Day

We understand that retreating into the cool confines of your A/C after a hard day’s work is a sweet summertime relief. However, we don’t advise to you leave it on all day. You may want to invest in our programmable thermostats so you won’t have to choose between kicking the A/C on at one temperature and turning it off when you’re not at home.

Oops, Wrong Size

The bigger the A/C, the better it will work, right? Absolutely wrong! Some homeowners assume that a big air conditioner will cool their homes faster. The plain truth is that an oversized HVAC needs a lot more power to quickly drop the temperature.

On the other hand, an undersized A/C has to operate constantly to keep your home at a desired temperature. Too bulky or not quite big enough? Big no-no! When you need a new A/C, have one of our professionals assess your home before you make a purchase.

Thinking All Contractors Are the Same

Most homeowners are tempted to pick out a random guy who claims to be an expert because they think all contractors are the same. You should know that cooling jobs are more than just banging on a furnace or recharging an A/C. It’s an art and craftsmanship combined. If you don’t want a shoddy workmanship, inefficient heating and cooling, and extra costs, you have to pick a company that you know and trust.

Our team of genuine experts at Quality Heating, Cooling & Plumbing are here to care for you and your HVAC system. So…we cool now? Or do you need a little more guidance or sound advice? Get in touch with us, and we would be happy to help.

Spring A/C Maintenance Tips for Glenpool, OK Homeowners

The cost associated with home cooling is relatively high, and if your air conditioning unit in Glenpool, OK isn’t running in peak efficiency, this cost can go even higher. Don’t put your comfort and saving at great risk. This season, be sure to keep your utility bills low through these springtime A/C maintenance tips:

Change Your Air Filter

Be sure to replace your air filter at least once every three months or whenever needed. Doing this regularly can help reduce your cooling cost by up to 15% and even reduce the strain your unit can otherwise encounter. Another benefit it offers is it helps keep your indoor air quality in good condition, ensuring a healthy breathing space for you and your family.

Check Your Outdoor Unit

Your outdoor unit can be crowded with debris, loose twigs, leaves, thick bushes, and even dust. These unwanted outdoor elements can impede your outdoor unit’s proper operation and cause too much stress to it, resulting in a higher energy bill. Be sure to inspect your outdoor unit and eliminate any obstruction you see around. Also, don’t forget to clean it using a water hose.

Check and Clean Your Duct

You may never know it, but ductwork can also leak the air or get clogged with debris and dust. Either of these scenarios can cause your utility bill to rise. A leaky duct allows the conditioned air (that is supposed to go inside your home) to escape, while a clogged duct blocks the proper airflow and cause strain to your cooling system. It pays off to schedule a regular duct inspection and cleaning in Glenpoo, OK.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

Installing a programmable thermostat helps curb your energy consumption and improves your unit’s longevity. The device is designed to give you full control over your indoor temperature, depending on your daily routine. Just set the thermostat according to your schedule, and it will do the rest of the job on your behalf. As the thermostat optimizes your temperature every day, your system can experience less strain as it works.

Schedule a Preventive Maintenance

Your cooling system is expected to work continuously throughout the hot months to keep you comfortable. For this reason, it is important that it is at best shape, and having it checked and repaired by the pros is advised. If you are positive that your A/C needs professional maintenance, then schedule it this spring.

If you need more HVAC tips or expert A/C service in Glenpool, OK this season, feel free to contact Quality Heating, Cooling & Plumbing today.

5 Important Benefits of Spring A/C Tune-Up in Glenpool, OK

We are in the middle of the spring season in Glenpool, OK, and summer will be here soon before we know it. If you are using a central A/C or any kind of cooling system, this season is the best time to schedule your annual A/C tune-up to get your unit ready for the coming heat wave.

Here are the five (5) important benefits of spring A/C tune-up in Glenpool, OK:

Reduced Cooling Cost

It’s no secret that cooling costs during summer are relatively high, especially when your air conditioning system consistently runs day and night. But did you know that you can lower the cooling costs through A/C tune-up? Your technician will check your unit and fix potential issues, ensuring efficiency and low utility bills.

Improved Comfort

We know that summer is a very challenging season, even for modern cooling systems. If your comfort entirely lies on your A/C, you need to make sure it is always on its best shape. Don’t let your cooling system bring you down these hot months. Get an uninterrupted comfort by scheduling your A/C tune-up in Glenpool, OK today.

Better Indoor Air Quality

Spring A/C tune-up does not just improve your unit’s performance and efficiency, but it also enhances the air you and your family breathe. Before the peak spring allergy season arrives, be sure to schedule your A/C service to reduce the number of pollutants and allergens in your breathing space.

Less Likelihood of Breakdown

Are you one hundred percent sure that your unit will last throughout the hot months without proper maintenance? If not, then allow the pros to give you peace of mind by checking and maintaining your unit this spring. A professional A/C service in Glenpool, OK will include complete system inspection, spotting and rectifying potential issues long before they become problematic.

Improved Efficiency

You certainly understand how easy energy conservation can be when you have a high-efficiency air conditioner. Do you know what makes this possible? That’s when your unit operates in peak performance! An A/C tune-up will make sure your unit is in its best shape, reducing strain in parts that might cause high energy consumption.

There is never a good time to schedule your professional A/C tune-up in Glenpool, Ok than today. Don’t wait until the last minute to set your appointment. Call our experts at Quality Heating, Cooling & Plumbing to get started. Let us help you get your unit ready for the challenge brought on by the summer.