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Heating Problems That Can Be Avoided With Regular Maintenance

Cassie Pound, owner of Quality Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electric
Published by
Cassie Pound
December 22, 2021

Your HVAC system is a critical part of keeping your home comfortable throughout the year. The most important thing you can do for your heating and cooling system is perform regular maintenance.

Regular maintenance helps you identify potential problems early and protect your unit. Without maintenance, your unit is subject to excess dirt and debris, malfunctions, and reduced efficiency.

The experienced technicians at Quality Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing are your heating repair professionals in Broken Arrow, OK. When your HVAC unit breaks, scheduling a repair as soon as possible is essential to minimize damage and fix the problem.

When it comes to preventing heating or air conditioning problems, regular maintenance is critical. Taking care of your HVAC system can help you avoid trouble.

High Energy Bills

Regular maintenance not only reduces the need for expensive repairs but can help you keep your energy bills low.

One of the essential maintenance steps to perform is to change your HVAC unit’s filter regularly. The air filter helps produce clean air by removing dirt and debris. However, debris collects and builds up in the filter over time, preventing the filter and the HVAC unit from working efficiently.

When your system has a clogged air filter, it must work harder to reach thermostat demands. This means using more energy, which increases your monthly energy bills. Replacing the air filter every season is an easy and inexpensive way to keep your HVAC unit functioning efficiently and keep energy bills low.

Untimely System Breakdowns

When your HVAC unit breaks down, it could take more than a repair to restore comfortable temperatures to your home. Without regular maintenance, a minor heating problem can escalate into a more severe issue that causes your unit to break down prematurely.

Hiring an HVAC professional for annual system check-ups can help you extend the life of your heating and cooling system by up to three years. During the maintenance inspections, the HVAC technicians check for potential problems that could impact the efficiency of your system. Identifying issues early is the key to minimizing damage and restoring the HVAC unit.

Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Without regular maintenance, your furnace or boiler can release alarming amounts of carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is a potentially deadly gas that you can’t detect with your eyes or nose alone, making it extremely dangerous.

The HVAC technician checks the furnace and boiler during a maintenance visit to ensure it functions efficiently and safely. By evaluating the airflow, gas valve, safety devices, and ventilation, our experts can give you peace of mind knowing that your system is working the way it should with minimal carbon monoxide release.

Ignition and Pilot Issues

The ignition and pilot are critical components in a heating system. When they malfunction, the furnace cannot effectively heat your home.

Part of a professional maintenance check is verifying the safety and efficiency of the ignition system. Generally, there are two types of ignition systems.

  1. Hot surface ignition: heating element based on resistance
  2. Intermittent pilot system: electrical spark with a high voltage to ignite the gas

Repairing an ignition system can be expensive. However, properly maintaining your heating system protects the ignition components and can help you avoid costly repairs.

Voiding Your Manufacturer’s Warranty

Many manufacturer warranties require you to schedule regular maintenance check-ups to keep the HVAC unit functioning properly. Should your heating system break, a lack of professional maintenance can void the warranty, leaving you responsible for repair and replacement costs.

Best Maintenance Practices

With so many potential problems, it is critical to maintain your heating system. Generally, you should provide a routine check-up for your unit at the beginning of every season.

Cold Weather Check-List

Homeowners heavily rely on their heating systems during the winter months. Performing routine maintenance at the beginning of the fall season will help ensure that your HVAC unit is ready to handle the drop in temperature.

  1. Replace the furnace and air filters. Changing the filters at the beginning of every season prevents filter clogs. A clogged filter can prevent the system from working efficiently, cause overheating, and reduce your home’s indoor air quality.
  2. Clean the condenser. To clean the drain lines, pour half a cup of white vinegar down into the condensate drain. It is critical to use only white vinegar and not bleach as bleach will react with the metal.
  3. Check the thermostat. Sometimes inaccurate thermostat settings can be the cause of a heating system issue. Your HVAC unit heats your home according to the temperature demands set by the thermostat. Replace the thermostat batteries when needed, and make sure that the thermostat reads the desired temperature.
  4. Clear away dust and debris. Dust and debris such as insects or dirt can gather around the HVAC unit and prevent it from working efficiently. Larger pests like squirrels and bats will often find attics to hide in during the winter, which can affect your HVAC unit. When the weather starts to drop, check around the unit for pests and clear away debris.

Warm Weather Checklist

Most homeowners rely on their HVAC units just as much during the summer and spring as they do in the winter and fall. It is critical to perform routine maintenance on your air conditioner during the spring to ensure that it can keep your home cool as the weather outside warms up.

  1. Give the outdoor unit space to “breathe.” Trim away bushes or tree branches covering the unit to promote proper ventilation.
  2. Clean the condenser. Just as you would in the fall, clean the condensate drain with half a cup of white vinegar. Doing this at least twice a year keeps the system clean and functional.
  3. Check the refrigerant. Having the right amount of refrigerant in your system is critical for ensuring that your air conditioner can effectively cool your home.

Scheduling a professional HVAC system maintenance twice a year can help ensure that your HVAC system provides year-round comfort.

From maintenance checks to boiler and furnace comparison, the experts at Quality Heating, Cooling and Plumbing can address your heating needs. Call us at 918-268-7343 to schedule a maintenance visit today.

Cassie Pound, owner of Quality Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electric
Published by
Cassie Pound

Cassie Pound is the Vice President of Quality Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electric with locations in Tulsa, Glenpool, and Bartlesville, Oklahoma.